Friday, April 9, 2010

[my temporary paradise]

The very last time I left home was 8 years ago.
Finishing my high school in small town, I decided to go abroad seeking for bigger picture.
Now, 8 years later, I'm home.
A lot of friends wondering why I decided so.
I only said: "I prefer a naive life".
Due to 'new-home' that I will called 'my very own home'.
This is the place I called 'temporary paradise'.
I just unpacked my belongings today.
There are boxes titled: *bags, *paper, *artworks, *shoes, *books, *etc
And, taaadaaa...

During these years, I bought and read and bought and read...
Here some good books to share:
1. This is a simple book yet inspired my whole disertation.

2. Been to some places, and I loved to have a guide-book.

3. Lifetime inspired book.

4. Way to understand, some ask google, while I ask book.

5. This book is like a dream-machine, I wish I could accomplished these 501 journeys.

6. Again & Again & Again.

7. It takes courage to finish it.

8. Classic all the time.

Now, I'm going to sleep with these fairy tales along... *wink_wink*

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